E-commerce Mobile App

Shop Sphere

E-commerce Mobile App for Shop Sphere

Digital Strategy

Visual Language

Content Direction

Website Design

Interactive Style Guide

Project Overview

The task here is to create a mobile app for an e-commerce platform with a strong emphasis on providing a visually engaging shopping experience. The objective is to increase user engagement and boost sales for the client.

Key Features

The mobile app will offer intuitive navigation, personalized product recommendations based on user preferences, a secure and user-friendly payment system, and a visually appealing product catalog that highlights the products effectively.


The challenge is to enhance the shopping experience for users, reduce cart abandonment, and increase overall sales.


The solution focuses on developing a user-friendly mobile app with intuitive navigation, personalized product recommendations based on user behavior, a secure and convenient payment system, and a visually appealing product catalog. These features contribute to an improved shopping experience, ultimately boosting sales and reducing cart abandonment.